When I was 10, I can say that I was not really morbidly obese, but I was larger than most kids were. Recall how kids can be really annoying with sensless jokes as long as they are about making fun of other people. I was the unfortunate one because most of the jokes were fat boy jokes intended for me.
In front of everyone, I was just playing it cool and making it seem that it was ok. I was 10 back then and instead of fighting back, I just smiled and laughed with everybody else as if I was made of stone not feeling a singly hurt. I didn?t cry with tears, but I was crying deep inside.
During that time, all I had was flight reactions. I was young and I started doubting myself. Because everybody was teasing me, my self-esteem went lower and lower. So I never worked on my social life and started becoming a home body with my console games and PC. Obviously, eating became my defense mechanism for my insecurity. I didn?t care anymore about my weight, up to a point that I was in denial that I have already gotten obese. My diet turned from bad to worst.
Food has that effect of making us feel good. Various food groups influence our brains to release happy hormones such as endorphins and serotonins. Examples of happy foods are chocolates, cream pies, ice creams, and pasta. Whenever I felt depressed and alone, I started with eating food. In short, I ate until I started feeling good. My sadness pushed me to eating and find comfort in happy foods. I was in a state called emotional eating, wherein I ate relentlessly as dictated by my emotions.
The pounds kept coming and coming. Bingeing was no just an escape route for me, it became my life. What once was emotional eating became compulsive eating. Dieting didn?t work for me, it just made my life hell. I kept losing pounds, but gained more than what I lost afterwards, and the cycle was like that of a yo-yo. Weight loss pills somewhat worked, but I didn?t want to take them all my life so I stopped.
The master cleanse method gave me new hopes for losing weight. It focuses more on detoxification of harmful checmicals. What?s best about the master cleanse method is its free.
If you grew up an obese, don?t let the same thing happen to your kids. Go to this page for more master cleanse master cleanse and juicing recipes

Source: http://newhealthandfitness.org/2012/03/04/how-i-fought-obesity/
sonic youth sonic youth make your mark make your mark stop loss stop loss thurston moore
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