7 hrs.

Pity the porn industry!
Once the chief driver of Internet innovation, porn long since ceded to the video game industry when it comes to influencing anything cutting edge. Now, the Internet's oldest profession, which gave us online payments, super speedy connections and pop-up windows (among other mixed blessings), finds itself cutting-and-pasting on the backs of others.?
Case in point, Offbeatr, "the first crowdfunding resource specifically designed for the adult industry," aka Kickstarter for porn. ?(Yes, the name. Let's just ... move on, shall we?)
Why does the adult industry need a crowdfunding platform??
If you really have to ask, the Offbeatr website explains:?
Raising money for an "adult" project even more difficult. Pair that together with easy access to "free porn" and it makes you wonder. Is there a real future for the adult industry?
Like Kickstarter, the Internet's most popular crowdfunding website, Offbeatr provides a platform for creators to present their projects. Supporters pledge money toward a designated goal, and are only charged if that goal is met. And that's not all:?
Offbeatr offers fans a way to directly support their favorite adult performers, studios and content makers. Supporters receive unique rewards offered by Creators. Supporters could visit a movie set or add executive producer to their resume. It all depends on the unique rewards Creators choose to offer.
Pinterest, the social sharing darling of 2012, already has a couple of adult content clones, including Pornterest. That name alone reminds us that the adult film industry still enjoys a long history of co-opting mainstream movie titles ? "Lust of the Mohicans" is the safest-for-work example, you get the picture. So really, the only question regarding Kickstarter's new adult analog Offbeatr is ? what was the hold up? ??
? Via Techcrunch
Helen A.S. Popkin goes blah blah blah about the Internet. Tell her to get a real job?on Twitter and/or Facebook. Also, Google+. Because that's how she rolls.
Source: http://www.technolog.msnbc.msn.com/technology/technolog/so-exists-kickstarter-porn-194791
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